Interflora flowers

Philodendron erubescens

Philodendron erubescens, sometimes referred to as Blushing Philodendron, is an evergreen plant. Its name is derived from the Green ‘phileo’, which translates as ‘love’, and ‘dendron’ which means ‘tree’. Erubescens means ‘that which turns red or blushes’ and this describes the colour of the plant’s bloom.

This plant features glossy, dark green leaves which can reach 15 centimetres long and 18 centimetres wide. The leaves often display a copper colouring on the underside. Older Philodendron erubescens can reach heights of about 12 feet, although most are much smaller than this.

Native to South and Central America, these plants require slightly shaded conditions with filtered sunlight, much like that found in their natural habitat of the humid, dense, tropical rainforests.

This evergreen plant is widely available in commercial garden centres throughout the year. Its growing season is from spring to late summer. Bear this in mind when buying at this time of the year, as the plant is likely to grow significantly over the course of a few months.

Philodendron erubescens belongs to the genus Philodendron, which is part of the Araceae family. Within the Philodendron genus there are several hundred other varieties of plant aside from the erubescens species.

Care Tips
The Philodendron erubescens should be fertilised on a regular basis during its growing season, after which feeding should be stopped. Fertilising during the winter months could kill the plant.

This plant thrives best in soil which contains equal parts of loam and peat. It should be allowed to dry out after watering, although a misting now and then will help to ensure that humidity around it stays high.

Did You Know?
This plant was identified within the scientific community in the year 1854 by K. Koch and Augustin.
