Q – T
Rex begonias
A form of rhizomatous begonia, these plants are often grown for show and for their attractive multi-coloured leaves, which appear in a variety of shapes and sizes. They are sometimes referred to as the painted-leaf begonia. Description Rex begonias have heart-shaped leaves that appear in many colours, including red, green and silver. The surface of…
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Rhipsalis cassutha
Rhipsalis cassutha is better known as mistletoe cactus and it is found growing naturally in the tropical areas of Africa, Sri Lanka and South America. Description This plant does not have the typical features or appearance of a cactus. It features trailing stems that can grow to several feet in length and which produce flowers…
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The plant sarracenia was named by the Canadian botanist, Dr Michel Sarrazin, who first discovered it. It is better known as the pitcher plant, this being descriptive of its unique leaf shape. Description Different species of the plant grow to different heights and vary in colour according to their native environment, but they all have…
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Schefflera plants are a genus of plants named in honour of Jacob Christian Scheffler, an 18th-century German botanist. A number of them are popular as houseplants, including schefflera arboricola, also known as the ‘dwarf umbrella tree’. Description Plants in the schefflera genus are green and leafy, although some species will also bear flowers. The flowers…
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The scindapsus genus is often mistaken for the epipremnum, a plant from the same family. the only way to tell is to check seed production of each plant; scindapsus has one ovule in each ovary whereas epipremnum has more. Description One of the most popular varieties is scindapsus pictus, otherwise known as ‘silver vine.’ This…
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Senecio (pronounced sen-ECK-ee-oh) is one of the largest plant genera and is also known as groundsel. It comes in a variety of forms, including flowering types which are related to ragwort and foliage types that include trailing forms and waxy vines. The cineraria species of senecio alone has around 2,000 to 3,000 hybrids. It is…
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Sinningia gloxinia
The sinningia gloxinia (pronounced sin-NING-ee-a) is named after Wilhem Sinning, a noted German botanist who played a key role in hybridising the plant back in the early twentieth century. Nowadays it is known more commonly as gloxinia. Description The plant has large flowers that are shaped like trumpets with either plain or ruffled edges and…
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Soleirolia soleirolii
The soleirolia soleirolii (pronouned as so-lay-roll-ya) is best known for being an indoor plant, but makes a low maintenance alternative to grass and can act as effective ground cover. Other common names for the plant include paddy’s wig, irish moss, bread and cheese and babies’ tears. Description Its spreading bun of densely packed leaves works…
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Pronounced solly-DAY-go. From the Latin soldare, ‘to strengthen’.Its common name is Golden Rod or Golden Fleece. Description Horizontally-spreading sprays made up of clusters of tiny golden flowers, stems reaching about 50 – 89cm. Can be a useful filler in arrangements and is reputed to have medicinal healing properties. Habitat Predominantly native to North America, but…
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Spanish moss
The botanical name of Spanish moss is tillandsia usneoides. Pronounced as Til-LAND-see-a ooss-nee-OY-days, it also goes by the name of grey beard. It grows well in part shade and prefers moist environments, often adopting hosts of cypress and oak trees in the wild. Description The plant is noticeable for its trailing stems of very narrow,…
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