The ‘hair’ on these plants can vary from fine, wispy threads to stiff, almost leaf-like prongs and it can give a plant a very distinctive and unique look. Use this individuality to your advantage when attempting to identify your plant using our guide below.
The things to look for when identifying a hairy plant are as follows:
- Feel the texture and flexibility of the hairs. This will help you get a better impression of what type of plant you’re looking for.
- Take note of where the hairs are growing on your plant; do they cover the whole thing or are they confined to certain areas?
- Are the hairs on your plant the same colour as the leaves or are they different?
The most common hairy plants in the UK are:
- Sinningia – This is a velvety plant with a furry, soft texture along its leaves. It is originally from Central and South America and comes in white, pink, salmon orange, red, blue and violet.
- Spanish moss – As an epiphyte, this plant absorbs nutrients and water from rain and the air while it hangs from a host tree. It’s long, hair-like leaves can often hang right down to the ground.
- African violet – This plant has fine, short hairs that grow across its leaves, stem and branches. You should also note that the leaves will rot if they get wet so always water from underneath.