Interflora flowers

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  • Anthurium

    Also called the painted tongue, the flamingo flower and the tail flower, Anthurium is a vividly bright flower that got its name due to the single spadix that emerges upwards from the centre of the petals. Description The popular Anthurium flower is not a flower, but is really a coloured waxy leaf (the spathe) from…

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  • Araucaria heterophylla

    Araucaria heterophylla is normally known as the Norfolk Island Pine, Monkey Puzzle or Monkey Tail tree and is an evergreen coniferous tree commonly found in its natural surroundings in the southern hemisphere. It is often referred to as a living fossil as the species dates back to the Mesozoic Era. Description The Araucaria tree has…

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  • Asparagus falcatus

    Often known by the name, Sicklethorn, Asparagus falcatus is a variety of asparagus fern. It is a robust creeper, which is covered with thorns and often used as a hedging plant to protect against unwanted visitors. Description The leaves of the Sicklethorn grow to around 8cm long and are a sickle shape, which gives the…

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  • Aspidistra elatior

    A well-loved houseplant since Victorian times, the Aspidistra elatior is often known as the “Cast Iron Plant” because it is exceptionally hardy. It can happily survive even in difficult conditions such as dusty environments with low levels of natural light. Its foliage is quite tough and leathery and it occasionally grows small flowers and fruits…

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  • Azalea

    Pronounced a-ZAY-lee-a, this popular perennial shrub is a member of the Rhododendron family. However, unlike Rhododendrons that have clusters of blossoms, they feature only one bloom per stem. It is a fairly hardy plant, which is relatively easy to grow in most climates. Description Azaleas are small trees or shrubs that flower during the spring.…

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  • Begonia

    Begonia was named after Frenchman Michel Begon, a patron of botany. Description Yellows, oranges, pinks, white Habitat Brazil Care Tips Always water into the saucer the pot is resting in, to avoid rotting the stem. Begonias can grow leggy and should be replaced with fresh flowering stock.

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  • Blechnum gibbum

    Gibbum, scientifically known as the Beechnut gibbum and commonly called the ‘Silver Lady’, is a miniature tree fern. Tropical in appearance and nature, the Blechnum variety of Gibbum prefers rainwater because it is has an intolerance of lime. Description More mature plants grow a stout and slender trunk, which can grow to up to three…

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  • Bougainvillea

    Nicknamed the ‘paper flower’ due to its thin and papery bracts, the Bougainvillea is a type of semi-evergreen creeper known for its bright blooms. The name is pronounced, boo-gun-vil-ee-uh. Description The Bougainvillea’s papery bracts tend to come in threes and in colours such as red and pink. The leaves of the Bougainvillea are heart-shaped, whilst…

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  • Bromeliad

    The Bromeliad family is thought to contain close to 3,000 species in total. Despite originating from the southern hemisphere, Bromeliads can thrive as an indoor plant as it is adaptable. It utilises its leaf rosettes to accumulate rainwater and can even use these to dictate how much water to take in via opening and closing…

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  • Cactus

    The Cactus plant is drastically different to most plants because, instead of bearing leaves that help to remove excess water via the medium of transpiration, Cacti miss out on leaves almost entirely and have spines. This means they lose less water and can survive in arid environments. The name cactus derived from the Greek word…

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