Interflora flowers

Flowers that help fight a cold

According to a study by Dr Tove Fjeld of the University of Agriculture in Norway, indoor plants can help to reduce symptoms of fatigue, coughs, sore throats and other cold related illnesses by more than 30%.

The study goes on to state: “Professor Dr Tove Fjeld and her team of researchers conducted a series of studies to ascertain whether the presence of living indoor plants could improve office workers’ health and reduce incidents of minor illnesses and ailments.

The participants were employees at a hospital radiology department. Each placed commonly-used foliage plants into containers onto a window bench and in the back corner of their office for a period of approximately three months. All worked in single office rooms which were identical with a floor area of 10msq and a window covering most of the outer wall. The participant was then required to complete a questionnaire across various stages of the research period.

The key findings highlighted that complaints regarding coughs and fatigue were reduced by 37% and 30% respectively, and hoarse throat and dry or itching facial skin each decreased approximately 23%. If the symptoms were clustered, a significant reduction was obtained.”

So there you have it; keeping a plant in your home or office can significantly improve your health and get to back to feeling 100%, so what are you waiting for? Head over to our list of the best health-boosting plants and bring some sunshine into your life today.