Interflora flowers

10 top tips for growing roses

A group of different coloured rosesRoses come in a variety of stunning colours, numerous shapes and sizes and are grown all over the world. It’s easy to see how it’s become one of the most popular cultivated flowers and has inspired generations of artists, writers and musicians.

If you are eager to start your own rose collection in the garden then our top 10 tips will help you grow a stunning selection in no time.

Sun and shelter
Roses are delicate plants and need the right conditions to grow properly. While they do require a lot of full sun, they should also be protected from strong winds and the cold.

Give them room
Roses need plenty of space so don’t plant them too close to walls, trees or other plants. Some varieties can grow tall and wide so keep this in mind when planting in your garden.

Get rich
Roses need nutrient rich soil so remember to use plenty of compost and the correct flower food for your plant. Top quality mulch spread around your plants once they are planted is also a good idea.

Know your stuff
It’s important to research your rose before you plant it. There are a number of different species available and each one will need different conditions. It will also determine when to plant your rose and which areas of your garden would suit it best.

Go deep
The roots of rose plants grow deep and so you need to keep it well-watered throughout the year. A light sprinkling on the top of the soil isn’t enough for most rose plants so remember to water enough to reach those roots.

Lose the weeds
Make sure that your rose gets the most out of the food and water you give it by making sure there are no weeds taking up space around it. Regular weeding helps keep your rose strong and healthy.

Pruning practices
Regular pruning is essential if you want a beautiful rose plant at the end of all your hard work. Removing deadheads, dead leaves and broken stems will make sure that all the nutrients go into keeping the plant healthy. You should only use sharp secateurs or scissors though as dull ones will damage the stems.

Pest defence
Rose plants are a magnet for pests and so you should make sure you take steps to prevent infestations. A light pesticide will help keep the bugs away, while a fungicide can help protect against disease.

Mix and match
Think about the type of rose you are growing and the best place to plant it. Smaller, compact varieties make great patio plants when set into pots, while large, wide-spread varieties do well in borders and flower beds.

Be creative
Roses come in all shapes, colours and sizes so why stick with just one variety? You can mix and match roses in your garden to create marvellous display of colour and frag